What is a press release?
A press release is one of many tools used in external communication and public relations (PR). A press release can ONLY be used for news – which is literally something ‘new’ about a business, product, or service.
Press releases are always 100% factually accurate, written in the third person, and usually include a quote attributed to a key spokesperson giving a view on the importance of the news.
Press releases follow a triangle or funnel shape – with the most important information at the top (starting with the headline) and less important details towards the end.
Press releases are sent out to journalists on an agreed date – and the journalist uses the information included as a basis for their news article.
Key information required to write a press release:
What is the news we want to share?
Why is this news important to your business?
What are the key dates? E.g. when it starts, when the new product is available.
Where is this happening? E.g. new product initially only available in UK and US.
What is the key information if it’s a new product or service? E.g. what does it do?
Are there any other companies involved? E.g. new client or partner announcement.
Is there a budget or spend? E.g. new client won / new business worth £XXX
Who is our spokesperson to quote?
Are there any other spokespeople we should include? E.g. new client or business partner.
Is there any other information we should include?
Press release template:
HEADLINE (Make this as exciting and impressive as possible)
Location, Date – (In 2 sentences explain the company and the story)
London, 26 March 2023 - Short description [add context e.g. global drinks manufacturer] of business XX [add business name], today announced XX XX
Paragraph 2 – Explain more of the story…
Client Quote – (Explain why this is exciting in the client’s words)
“This is really exciting,” says Joe Blogs, CEO at Blogs and Co. “It’s a real honour…”
Paragraph 3 – Any additional and very specific detail…
Notes to Editors
Add in extra detail here…
Add contacts here…
About (Company XX)
Add boilerplate here – this should be available from a previous press release or from the storyhouse.
A press release is one of many valuable tools used in external communications and public relations. They don’t work for everything or for every business, but if you’ve got news to share, they’re the perfect tool.
I’m often amazed at how little information companies share with the expectation of a good press release as the result. Or possibly worse, how businesses try to cut corners by drafting an incomprehensible press release themselves. So, if you can, please seek expert advice and support in drafting your press release.
Victoria Fairclough is a PR & Communications Consultant at Fair Communications. For more information, please visit: www.faircommunications.co.uk